It’s been a long time since I’ve published anything in reference to Gauntlet so I decided to go ahead and start the new year off with another nifty Production Log! I’ve been working on and off with the project since my last production shoot back in July. Since then, I’ve also learned new techniques in compositing my shots and to smooth out video noise. My plans for 2014 all entail post work on the project. 3D sets, compositing, green screen work, and motion graphics will all encompass this year. Not only do I have my hands full with post work, I’m also going to be learning from a website named My aim is to not only fine tune my skills with After Effects, but to also learn programs like 3Ds Max and Maya in order to create my 3D sets for the film.
For your enjoyment I’ve added a few screen shots from the film that have been new since July 2013. The first two snapshots are from a newscast montage sequence reporting that two boys are missing. The last two are my designs for certain death scenes from different characters. I honestly would like to have more time on working on the project, however I am thrilled with all the other opportunities that our freelancing will provide.
“I couldn’t sleep one night and I was sitting in my office and I realized that I was an independent filmmaker.”
– Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream , Black Swan, The Wrestler)