Hot off the Presses! Our latest movie poster showcases the short film Bait, a short scene written by Robert Altman and Frank Barhydt. We’re proud of this short film for many reasons: the acting was awesome, spot on camera work, and above all, the opening sequence in one long camera take. After being inspired by the long camera take in such notable films like Children of Men, Serenity, the original Halloween and the classic Touch of Evil, we wanted to do something of our own. Cinematographer Sean Cruser, co-founder of Burning Shade Productions LLC, did a superb job in capturing the shot, which took two times to film. Grant it there are flaws to the project that we would like to fix, but as far as drama and narrative storytelling through the framing of the shots, we’re proud to notch Bait under our belts.
Here’s the short film:
*Bait was filmed by film students for educational purposes only*