After having lots of patience and determination, Adobe has finally arrived to my arsenal of post-production software tools. With Photoshop®, Illustrator®, After Effects®, and Premiere®, I believe that these new additions will not only help me improve my videos but it will also give me more options to meet my clients and productions’ demands. I’m mainly excited to see what I can accomplish visually for my new and upcoming feature project, Gauntlet. The science-fiction thriller is demanding a lot of visual effects so I’m thrilled to get the ball moving with the arrival of the new software.
Here’s what to expect from JEL Production as spring slowly ends and turns its cheek to summer.
- Branding: New introduction logo by After Effects and design by Illustrator.
- Tutorials: Sharing my discoveries with the software by adding instructional posts to the Tutorial page. Have no fear, we’ll still do more Avid® tutorials as well but we apologize for dropping the ball since we haven’t done one for so long.
- Gauntlet: Posts of the progress of the my science-fiction feature. The pre-production phase is in full throttle as I gear towards potential sponsors for the films’ budget and await the copyright certificate from the Library of Congress.
Once again, stay tuned! I’m very excited for the immense opportunities that will come in the following months.